Show size of attachment or uploaded file
Have you ever wanted to show or use the size of an uploaded file – the process is below Attachment Firstly, you need a hidden image control with the Image Then on the OnAddFile (and OnRemoveFile if you want) Then the Label below has the Text Uploaded file A similar, but less complex process – on the OnChange of the AddMediaButton and the Label below All attachments on a record An expansion on #1 above – make a Gallery (called galAttach below) with the Items Now put an Image control in the Gallery (called imAttach below) with the Image You can now hide the gallery You will need to trigger the next piece, so a button with “Size” or…
Send selected attachments on an email directly from Power Apps
Have you ever wanted to send only some of the attachments on your record via email to someone? The solution is actually quite straightforward, but requires a bit of trickery not evident in the picture below. The attachment control is a standard item in a form displaying the attachments on a record (I called this one acEmail ) – there are no modifications to it. The check boxes shown however are in a gallery placed “on top” of the attachment control – I called it galAttach here. You may have to adjust the TemplateHeight to get it to “line up” properly with the attachment control. The Items of this gallery are essentially a copy of the data in the attachment control. Two labels…
Opening Attachments from Power Apps instead of needing to download.
Option 1 – View mode opening In the example below, the Form is started in Edit Mode, showing a normal attachment control, however once it is switched to view mode, a different attachment list appears with an icon at the right that allows direct opening of the attachment with “one click”. If the file can be opened in a browser (images, PDFs) it will do so, otherwise it will download. So what is going on here? Firstly, a small limitation – the “view mode” list is actually a gallery (which cannot be inserted into the form), so is simply placed in the same location as the Attachment Control. Consequently, if the Form is longer…