Getting Started

  • Getting Started

    Basic debugging and error tracing

    Introduction When you are building your app, putting in some code and see the “red squiggly lines” appearing under it, you immediately start thinking “what have I done wrong”. There are many forum posts with these types of questions that can be easily solved with a bit of investigation and knowledge of where to look for the issue. Contents Intellisense Format Text Labels with values Looking directly at the data Using Variables and Collections Look at the error message Hover over your code Pull your code apart and reconstruct it And/Or confusion Back to top IntelliSense Firstly, IntelliSense is your best friend. It is a bit like a predictive Google…

  • Design,  Getting Started

    Starting your app – good practices

    Planning your controls Now you have read my blog on Data Structure and have a great one in place, you are ready to get in and construct your app. You have put in a gallery and a form and are ready to write some code. What else do you have to do? Firstly, planning to lay a foundation for your app, you need to know “where everything is”. You will have to refer to all of your controls (screens, galleries, forms, controls) constantly in your code. You are assisted in this endeavor by the built-in IntelliSense function, which “predicts” what you might want to type and displays it in a…

  • Data,  Design,  Getting Started

    Constructing your first Power App – before you start

    This might seem a bit of a strange subject title, but in the words of a great man of the past It is a bit like putting a roof on a house then wondering whether the foundations will hold it up – you need to construct your foundations to allow for the things you might want to do in the future. You have opened your new shiny new O365 box and had a look inside. You have purchased an E3 licence as you do not want the additional expense of premium features and are now wondering what you can do with what you have. The answer is quite a lot…