Many to Many Filters
This article discusses the example of a multi-choice field in SharePoint with a multi-choice Combo Box in Power Apps filtering the possibility of ANY selected field in the Combo Box matching ANY stored value in the list which is stored in a Complex (Table) field.
Many on Many queries can be done directly in a Filter, but are not Delegable. To do this, firstly a Table needs to be created using ForAll addressing each of the Combo Box selected items to see if any are contained in the multi-select Choice field
ComboBox.SelectedItems As aSel,
aSel.Value in FieldName.Value
The output of the Combo Box has been assumed as .Value. If it is based on a field name, change this. We are not quite there yet as this structure produces a Table field called Value for each itineration of the ForAll , so this need to be ungrouped
ComboBox.SelectedItems As aSel,
aSel.Value in FieldName.Value
This will produce a Table of all matching records in your list
Matthew L
Appreciate your article it’s helped me solve a many to many combobox query from a multichoice column in Sharepoint. However a couple of things are still not clear for me…
Firstly, I will have to hold my hands up to my level of competency. This is on the edge of my understanding (hence why I’m struggling).
“The two fields in the gallery are ID and MCT. The rest of the list data is available in the table OtherData.” – I have the ID and the “MCT” working in my gallery – I don’t really understand what is meant by the table ‘OtherData’. Where is the OtherData table? In the Collection? I Don’t see it.
Adding a new text field to my gallery (for instance ThisItem.Title). This doesn’t work as I’m normally used to…is that because I need to add to the gallery Items?
Also, last thing…I have changed the OnSelect(Navigate) off the shelf configuration and used Set(varCurrentRecord, ThisItem);Navigate(DetailScreen1), ScreenTransition.None) – as per the guide here
However, my new gallery created using your blog doesn’t work. The navigation shows an error “Invalid Formula. Expected a value compatible with ‘DataSource’
Any guidance appreciated.
Warren Belz
Hi Matt,
I can give you a couple of answers to your questions, but solving problems is more the job of the Power Apps Community
Firstly OtherData (you can call it whatever you want, but it must be on the end of GroupBy fields defined) is a table field resulting from the GroupBy function where all the field records matching the grouped records are stored – it is an essential element of GroupBy
As for the record, I always use
Set(gblID, ThisItem.ID)
from a gallery and then for the Form ItemLookup(ListName,ID=gblID)
– it addresses the record in the list directly and refreshes automatically when any changes are made.My learning curve was like yours (it is just over three years), but I always (still) pause when I find something new and understand it properly before moving on.
Hi Warren Belz,
This is something I’d like to manage to do. My level of understanding is not here yet. I managed to do a collect with the fields of Email from he Users in 365. (We will only be able to choose one email.) But struggling with the filtering of those user emails in a gallery that has a many-to-many relationship with the users. SHould your above example work and do you have a more step by step guide?
Thanks in advance,
Warren Belz
Hi Sara,
This is not a simple subject and my blog was more to guide users to a structure that you could adapt to your use. Have you tried posting your specific problem on the Power Apps Community ?
Sharaf Tawalbeh
Hi Warren
I’d like to thank you for this article as you helped me in solving a big problem in my App.
Many thanks again .